Force Upgrade Verizon Galaxy Nexus to 4.0.4

There’s a new OTA update that’s been dropping for some people on Verizon, but not everybody. I didn’t feel like waiting, so I decided I wanted to do it manually. I have reposted the directions I found online to do this process.

NOTE: This is ONLY for Verizon LTE Samsung Galaxy Nexus phones running 4.0.2. This will NOT work if you are running a previous build of 4.0.4. By doing this, you accept all responsibility for anything that may happen to your phone.

We will exploit a bug in the 4.0.2 kernel to temporarily give us root access. Then, with root access, we will write the update file to the cache partition so that it can be picked up by the stock recovery on boot and then used to flash an upgrade. This will work for unrooted phones with locked bootloaders.

$ adb push /sdcard/
$ adb push mempodroid /data/local/tmp
$ adb shell
$ cd /data/local/tmp; chmod 777 mempodroid
$./mempodroid 0xd7f4 0xad4b mount -o remount,rw '' /system
$ ./mempodroid 0xd7f4 0xad4b sh</pre>
# cd /sdcard; cat > /cache/
$ adb reboot recovery

And that’s it! It should be working fully. Enjoy your updated phone (and safer kernel).
