Google Code Jam 2010 Qualifying Round Solutions (Part 1)

Okay so now I’ll post some of my solutions for Google Code Jam Qualifying Round 2010. The first one was called the Snapper problem. You can read the description of the problem here.

This solution was a very, very simple brute force solution. It worked well for the small input but obviously did not work for the large input. Anyway, here it is:

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Google Code Jam 2010 Qualifying Round Solutions (Part 2)

Here’s my solution to Fair Warning Large input. It’s actually very similar to my Small input solution except that longs are replaced with BigIntegers (and it’s designed to handle cases larger than 3. Anyway, here’s my solution:

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Google Code Jam 2010 Qualifying Round Solutions (Part 3)

Finally, my solution for the Theme Park problem. For this one as well, I had a somewhat optimized solution that brought down $10^8$ iterations to at most 2000, with an average case of around 500-750 iterations. The solution, again in Java, is below:

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Google Code Jam 2010!

This Saturday marked the start of this year’s Google Code Jam. It’s bascially this big worldwide competition that anyone can participate in. Essentially, you can use any freely available language and any IDE/OS/Text Editor/Compiler you want to produce your code. You think you have a solution and then you download a Small Input file, after which you have four minutes to submit the corresponding output file along with your source code. Read On →

Last Week of Classes

It’s the last week of classes here at Princeton (we still have Reading Period and Finals), so expectedly, every class is more or less dumping the remaining workload right on top of each other, making for a rather hellish week. Between the problem sets, paper, and coding assignments, I’m really tired right now. In fact, I was planning to start on another problem set at the moment, but decided to take a small break. Read On →

Security Policy Implementation

This weekend has been taken up almost exclusively by coding (yet again :)). This time, I’m working on a project for ELE 386, also known as Cybersecurity. The task is to develop a working implementation of a well-known security policy in a way that can be used to update permissions and check permissions. I am implementing the Clark-Wilson model and building a multi-platform, command-line interface. Considering I started this about 36 hours ago, I think I’ve made pretty good progress. Read On →

The Start of Another Week

It’s late Sunday night which means this week has already started. But I’m not too worried because so far I’m off to a pretty good start, work-wise. I’m really glad I took the time today to be as productive as possible; I know that this will make getting through the workload this week much easier. The more I read CS, the more interested I become in it. I got through 100+ pages of the Bryant book (this one), which I’m pretty proud of, because that stuff is hard. Read On →

Weekend Update

This weekend consisted of me doing massive amounts of coding and not much else. We have an assignment due date coming up for my Introduction to Programming Systems class. It involves converting a simply C program into IA-32 assembly and then optimizing the hell out of it. I’ve gotten it down quite a bit, but I still want to do better. I can’t post any more details about my specific implementation or anything, but I’ve got to say this is my favorite assignment thus far in this class. Read On →

Summer Research!

Big news! I finally got an offer to do research this summer in Computer Science with one of my professors! =] I also accepted the offer this morning, so my summer plans are pretty much finalized! It honestly feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my chest because I have spent the past several months looking for something to do this summer. My professor was kind enough to spend over a half hour explaining everything to me and showing me what I will be working on. Read On →


I’ve got a physics midterm tomorrow. Ouch. Been working hard at it most of today and I sure I’ll do well tomorrow. Apart from that, it’s another day of programming for me. At the moment, I’m working on the Facebook Engineering puzzles. I’m regrettably using Java, so extra optimization of my solutions is a must. Kinda wishing I knew more graph theory right about now…